Quality products for quality deer management
We are The Buck Depot
Our company started in our Men’s Disciple Group. Along with our Passion for Our Savior we have a Passion for the Outdoors. We had grown frustrated with the lack of availability for the higher end hunting products in NW Georgia. So, we decided to do something about it and started The Buck Depot. Now our dream has become a reality and we have been able to partner with some of the best hunting companies in the country. In addition to the quality products we offer, we want to create long term relationships with our clients and share our experience and knowledge about land and deer management. Our goal is not JUST sales, but taking care of the passionate hunters and landowners in the communities we serve. As one of our partners said early on, we cover 360 degrees of whitetail management.
We haven’t forgotten where this all started and have committed that 10% of our net profit will go back to Christian Organizations. We are also committed to the next generation of hunters and want to help others introduce them to the outdoors.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."”
Joshua 1:9
“Like a lot of us that enjoy hunting, my introduction came at an early age from my dad and grandfathers. As I’ve gotten older, I enjoy doing what I can to provide them opportunities, enjoyment, and comfort in the outdoors. For the past couple of years, I’ve researched and put my hands on many types of hunting blinds. In my opinion the Redneck series blind is unmatched. There were no corners cut to sacrifice quality with this blind. My objective was to find the perfect hunting set-ups for my dad to have safety, comfort, and protection from the elements. As we get older, those tend to be higher priorities for ourselves and the ones we love. In addition, as you might be introducing the deer woods to your kids, like I am, their interest level and ability to have longer hunts comes down to comfort. Of course, the blinds also provide more room for movement and conversation without blowing your cover. The crew over at Buck Depot are a passionate group of hunters that provide exceptionally high customer service. In addition to the Redneck blinds, Buck Depot carries many high-quality products, including exceptional supplemental feed for our deer herds to receive needed, balanced nutrition. I strongly encourage you to stop by Buck Depot in Rome, Ga. They are committed to exceeding your expectations.”
--Jason Marion
Professional deer hunting amateur.